Ukraine flag strikes again.

    112 years ago

    They’re pedophiles. I’m not joking or exaggerating. No non-pedophilic person talks about wanting to dominate 14 year olds or has a deranged blind hatred for teenagers and kids that they think they can “correct” ideas by forcing themselves on kids.

        62 years ago

        I’m saying that its the same energy, and that I think that most parents at least somewhat care about their children, unlike reactionaries.

        • The analogy falls off in the case of fresher bullies though, they usually mean to either have fun, or to feed into the conscious of the fresher that they are lower in the college hierarchy. They are not pedophiles in any case.

          Being specific about these things is important. Right wingers and their liberal acolytes find stuff like this for ammunition.

            42 years ago

            I get your point I just think that those people will find ammo anyway, and since it gets their dicks hard and pisses them off, might as well go full hog.

            • You are overestimating their abilities. They are like a house of cards.

              There was this one neo Nazi yesterday, on a chatroom, when I said that pedophilia is strictly a fascist idea that flourishes on chans and has never been advocated in socialist circles, he had to reply with “Marx held that belief”. I ripped his BS apart.