So I just went on a holiday trip in the last two weeks and I did not work out at all (apart from walking with a massive backpack). I ate normal but was not really paying attention to the nutritional value of my food and drinks.

I went back to working out today and I picked up where I left. I felt really full of energy and strength, more then some moments in periods where I work out often.

I have this from time to time when I quit working out for a week or two for whatever reason.

This made me think. Does anyone else have these moments as well? Or is there some sort of theory linked to this?

Anyway, feels good to work out again.

    32 years ago

    It’s just because you gave your body time to fully heal and also fully refuel your muscles. A few days, even with proper nutrition, is just not enough to time to heal fully in-between work out days, even if you are rotating muscle groups those muscles are still working and more importantly the joints are still working. Joints take longer to heal that muscles as well. Especially when you are older. Refueling your muscles also takes time. Less time than healing but it’s like, your muscles are always going to perform better at 100% energy than at 95%.

    Every time I take a few weeks off my first few sessions upon being back I make a pretty good gain on my reps and weight because I’m fully healed. Then I usually end up having to back track the next week and/or am just not able to maintain the same level of gain.

    It also takes much longer than 2 weeks to loose your progress. Like 3 - 4 weeks before anything really starts to regress and even then you’ll gain it back in a few sessions.

    • DankZedong OPM
      42 years ago

      Interesting, thanks.

      Makes me wonder how all the gym rats at my gym do it. They’re there daily and sometimes multiple times a day. But then again a lot of them are on gear anyway.

      • @OsrsNeedsF2P
        42 years ago

        The better you are, the more frequently you can go. For most casuals like me, going 3 times a week is about the max efficiency you’ll ever end up at.