The China Export or “CE” logo looks almost identical to the European CE logo, which is one of their regulatory seals. A lot of people accuse the logo of being designed (I assume implicitly by the Chinese government) specifically to imitate the European CE logo to deceive consumers, but no one actually gives sources and instead just say something like “it’s obvious because of how similar they look!” Does anyone know of any actual resources on how the logo came to be and exactly why it looks that way?

As a side note, I couldn’t find any evidence that the China Export logo was actually designed by the Chinese government or that it was used by any official Chinese regulatory system. All I could find was that it started appearing in 2008 on some Chinese manufactured products.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    23 years ago

    perhaps answers could be found in tracking down which international body decided to start the regulation, because it could thusly be assumed that they’d have a record of the symbol and it could be assumed that either they, or a member state of the body, designed the logo.

    though, I did just walk around my house and look at a lotta appliances, and most of the marks looked more like the Euro one even though the majority of the things I own are PRC exports. The Baofeng I recently got and still have the packaging of on my desk is one of those marks that looks much more like the Euro one. So I’m inclined to believe (from my non-academic and completely circumstantial analysis) that what said about this might be close to correct.