I’m not even gonna bother with names because we are not on reddit anymore and they don’t deserve it anyway

    • They would deny that though. So if we take that seriously, then why else does it seem so important to have children in adult situations?

      Like… Rebecca a child murders the hell out of people and then gets… (Redacted).

      • I had a comment on one of the cyberpunk subs saying that anime routinely appeals to pedophiles and it was deleted for not being “constructive criticism.” Like holy shit people…

        • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Okay. So like straight up, did I see Rebecca rub some dude’s crotch to distract him? I could have swore I saw that. My mind immediately went to Rebecca being a little person and NOT a child when I saw that. And I think I prefer to see it that way, honestly.

          • I dont remember exactly but honestly it doesn’t surprise me. The show was kind of a blur but as soon as she appeared I got the Harley Quinn vibe, young and damaged by abuse and trauma. Not a comfortable dog whistle to pick up on given the reputation anime has.