I’m not even gonna bother with names because we are not on reddit anymore and they don’t deserve it anyway

    • @CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      There is in my world. Im a fan of Cyberpunk. There was a new cyberpunk anime an Netflix now. I generally enjoyed it alright but one character seems like a red flag. Of courses this is unanimously the favorite character among fans accross all forums. Some people, including myself, have raised concerns only to be met with a sea of opposition. Ive seen people belittle others for sharing their experiences being sexualized and abused in their youth. Heinous shit and unending justifications.

      This is not something I regularly deal with. This is the second anime ive seen in like 10 years (mostly because it has this reputation). But now it is plain as day that pedophilia is the norm and there is basically nothing I can do but shake my fist at the sky.

      • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
        2 years ago

        I heard that even one of my favorite characters is sexualized in the original anime, but of course that’s cut in my country because they censor it like every normal country, so I know nothing about it.

        As you said, pedophilia is literally normalized.