Its a very interesting feeling. On one hand Im proud because Lemmy has come so far. Two years ago there was only one instance and no federation. On the other hand disappointed, because some people are unable to appreciate how much time and work I put into this project. Its especially ironic that these attacks are coming from people who pretend to represent the working class.

  • @CoinOperatedBoi
    52 years ago

    Moderation has always been a power struggle on Reddit. Just as the Lemmyverse has tended to be less aggressive in terms of content and conversation, I’m hoping the moderator politics here don’t devolve into the social pseudo-warfare that Reddit is infamous for (moderator coups, mod team splits, megamod cliques, etc). I think that’s going to involve some sort of informal governance policies that will standardize over time, but I’m not sure.

    Admin-to-admin mail (similar to mod mail, but visible by all admins on both instances), blocklist compliance, and mutual federation come to mind.

    • @nutomicOPA
      -22 years ago

      Lemmy in general is fine, its just a single instance which cant behave.