In this video, I try to give a basic overview of communism according to Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin. This is a start of a series of Communism 101 videos. Feedback is welcome.

  • NXL
    13 years ago

    ah, thanks that makes sense. definitely important to learn from the mistakes of the past. What does a neutral stance towards information look like?

    • @PeaceLaborMayOP
      13 years ago

      My take on objectivity: being aware of the basic rhetoric - pathos, ethos and logos (What feeling/emotions are appealed to, or are invoked? Does the information come from a reliable source? Can I double- triple- check the info? What does the thesis/argument/claim state?). This is the beginning of any analysis. There is much more that goes into it; the analysis of biases, fallacies, one’s own and the speaker’s; allowing time to properly process the information; etc. You can check out more of my videos on YouTube, I’m trying to work in some short videos on rhetoric as well.