The original CIA document link does not work/content was removed, but fortunately the document is archived.

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P
    82 years ago

    This has long been debunked

    Not that I don’t believe you, but do you have any quality sources that clearly align with your debunk explanation or other debunk explanations?

    • @pingveno
      22 years ago

      Thank you for asking the right question instead of just downvoting. I normally wouldn’t link to a Reddit post, but this AskHistorians comment is of decent quality. It in turn cites a document that then has good citations of its own.

        • @pingveno
          -22 years ago

          Yes, but with a specific reason. It’s a particularly high quality post on a subreddit, AskHistorians, where only historians can answer. AskHistorians has a good track record of producing high quality answers. In turn, it links to a well sourced blog post.

          • Catraism-Stalinism
            22 years ago

            Ask historians is full of r/historymeme users who write long paragraphs

      • Lenins2ndCat
        2 years ago

        Lmao a single document written by a defector is the basis for your “long been debunked” statement?

        This is like listening to Cuban gusanos about Cuba.

        • @pingveno
          02 years ago

          There are multiple documents used. Please try harder if you’re going to be dismissive.

          • Lenins2ndCat
            2 years ago

            No there aren’t? He references one single document produced by the defector Igor Birman, a man who claimed the USSR’s economy at the time was only a tenth of America’s. The man was a crank.

            A random single person tells you what you want to hear on reddit and you’re like “yes I believe that you are definitely a reputable source without any ideological bias” without any critical thought whatsoever.