Yeah dude. Keep talking about how we need to have compassion for the people who killed a child for no reason than because they thought they could. Fuck you and fuck those two, they’re not human and you’re not much better.

  • Marxism-FennekinismOP
    2 years ago

    I’m all for restricting the use of the death sentence so it almost never happens. Actually, I think the best way to do it is to not have death be a legal possibility normally, but make it so you have to go through additional hoops to authorize it for particularly horrible crimes that are proved beyond the level of evidence needed for a regular crime (as in, not just beyond reasonable doubt, but beyond doubt, because wrongful executions are the biggest problem with the death sentence in my mind). But cases like this of a horrible crime with proof beyond beyond a reasonable doubt are why I think most of the world completely abolishing it was the single greatest favour we ever did to the inhuman monsters that never deserved their breath. Why are we wasting humankind’s extremely limited resources on these people? Change my fucking mind.

    Also, if you’re an innocent, good hearted person with no money, you can die on the streets for all the government cares apparently. But if you’re a psychopathic child murderer, you’re guaranteed warm meals, a roof over your head, and free healthcare for the rest of your life. Those are some god tier priorities. When you have homeless people committing crimes for no other reason than to get into prison where they will have food and shelter, your society is fucked up.

    And I do wonder if he would have tried as hard of they were poor and black. 🤔