Comrades, wake up, sources say.

It may be time that you may read your daily propaganda, an unnamed source tells me.

Allegations of a newsreport from the CNN have just been made public by various anonymous sources.

My sources tell me you may want to give your opinion on this.

  • Amicese
    142 years ago

    What’s even pathetic is that this Michelle Bachelet UN stooge is a part of the Socialist Party of Chile. Ain’t that some’n…

    Oof. Hopefully the leadership kicks that traitor out of the Party.

      112 years ago

      Her party was the base for the Concertación, the broad coalition from left to right in the redemocratization post Pinochet era. They basically left their Chicago boys Constitution intact in trade of liberal democracy. Her report about Venezuela was the same: Maduro’s government promoted violence to opositors. Ignored oposition sabotage. Still was criticized for being too mild though.