I saw some threads about free time and desire for community on my feed earlier and I found that slightly relatable.

Commenters in the latter thread were quick to point out that openly identifying oneself is not a good idea which means community must be formed by other means.

So what I’ve been doing is being friendly with everyone and asking for their opinions on things and trying to discern people’s political orientation in casual normal conversation. It’s a pretty painful process because most people have awful takes and it’s hard to convince people without being preachy.

The goal isn’t even to convince people, after all, the goal is to connect with people with similar views. And this strategy only works if you can find tons of willing people whose opinions you can discreetly interrogate.

Just by observation I find the best way to meet random people is to play sports, e.g. there’s always people playing basketball at the park.

Also I’m awful at sports. No one cares what you have to say if you can’t play their game. It turns out staying home and reading is not a good way to make friends. After this realization I’ve been working out and exercising more. So with this awareness I think it makes sense to say that playing playing sports and exercising are revolutionary activities. I could have the most eloquent arguments and the most beautiful speeches but those conversations are imaginary if I can’t get people’s attention. And because the society we live in doesn’t value studying as much as sports that’s just the game we have to play.

So what sports do you play? What are the best sports to play in this context?

  • FossilPoet
    2 years ago

    It’s funny, because I socialize in other ways, so the most physically active thing I do is literally hike and climb…which isn’t exactly a social event lmao. It’s just what’s available in these woods and hills I’m surrounded by. Great if you can take other people though, although it can become very taxing physically.

    That being said, a bunch of people locally made a kickball club where they drank a little and played. They seemed to have a blast. Most folks aren’t as fit as more hardcore athletic-oriented people, so these lower impact games will have more reach if you establish them yourself.

    It’s also worth considering socializing by watching sports. I have gotten into a few positive encounters simply based on giving someone else’s favorite pastime a go. I tend to enjoy watching soccer (I played for years growing up) and MMA myself, but I will watch basketball. If someone has like a Super Bowl party, I will also still show up without caring so much for the game itself.

    EDIT: I don’t know how you feel about the environment and drinking, but bars also have pool, darts, and cornhole often. Arcade bars have video games and board games, sometimes other things like large Jenga on patios. Casinos also have card games. None of these are as physically taxing but instill the same competitive nature, as well as being super conducive to conversation. Plus, they’re all massively social places in and of themselves by merit of being a bar/casino. Take this advice with a grain of salt, I’m both assuming the ultimate goal is community (and not just to mix socializing with physical activity) and I’m super extraverted and thrive in these places myself so YMMV.

    • @v12riceburner@lemmygrad.mlOP
      62 years ago

      That’s really interesting insight. Thank you. I’ve never considered bars and games but it seems games in general are conducive to conversation.

      • FossilPoet
        2 years ago

        Sure is. Last time we went out, some woman dropped a water bottle down the side of a steep hill in front of a small waterfall and I scaled that shit to get it back to her. Full-on spider monkey. My friends don’t like doing it, so I end up feeling like I’m showing off, but it’s literally just so fun.

        • Catraism-Stalinism
          22 years ago

          why do people do that honestly, just keep it in the pockets until you see a trashcan!