This plus amnesty int’l (an imperial NGO) turning on Zelensky makes me think we are nearing a turning point in Ukraine.

    2 years ago

    Your next question may be: if AI is an imperialist NGO, why does it seek to undermine imperialist activity? My intuition says that amnesty provides imperialists with plausible deniability and legitimacy

    It also gives AI legitimacy. They go for the low-hanging fruit when it comes to critiques of Western Imperialism. Israel-Palestine, Assange, etc: stuff they’d look stupid for being on the wrong side of. And then they can weigh in on things like Xinjiang, Hong Kong, DPRK and give the Western Narrative legitimacy in places where the West can discredit any contrary narratives.

    Which is why Ukraine might be at a turning point, if they’re not going to be able to hide/disrepute the truth for much longer.