This plus amnesty int’l (an imperial NGO) turning on Zelensky makes me think we are nearing a turning point in Ukraine.

              62 years ago

              I wouldn’t be surprised if this was signed off at various levels in Amnesty, so there’s no individual to really lay the blame with.

              I wonder if this shows how a security state(s) can unleash the propaganda machine and lose control of the narrative. So any sign of retraction is more of a ‘Oh shit, we completely misjudged the public mood.’ They might have been expecting a more reasonable reception?

              At the same time, I doubt the people in Amnesty are at all involved in that propaganda machine. So more like, as you say, they’re ‘infiltrated’ and will likely be given a stern word.

        • loathesome dongeater
          112 years ago

          The apology is not really an apology. They are basically saying “sorry we made you mad”. They still stand by their findings.

          What I have noticed about Amnesty is that they criticise literally everyone which I think by itself is fine. But their criticisms that align with the goals of the American hegemony are the ones that get signal boosted.