This is an opportunity for any users, server admins, or interested third parties to ask anything they’d like to and I about Lemmy. This includes its development and future, as well as wider issues relevant to the social media landscape today.

Note: This will be the thread tmrw, so you can use this thread to ask and vote on questions beforehand.

Original Announcement thread

  • @linucs
    10 months ago
    • What are your dream features or rework you would ask a magic genie? I mean nice features that require a huge amount of work
    • If you were to rewrite Lemmy from scratch, would you do everything the same way or would you rethink something?

    Thanks for your amazing work, you guys are changing the world!

      2510 months ago

      While I’m only a collaborator and not a maintainer, your second question is kind of reality already since there’s a UI rewrite in a very early state to use leptos instead of infernojs.

    • DessalinesOPMA
      1410 months ago
      1. The biggest ones I can think of, are the re-write of the UI in rust / leptos, and notifications using unified push. Those will both be a ton of work, and its going to be hard to carve out time to complete them.
      2. The back end has gone through plenty of refactors, and we place an emphasis on code maintenance, so its stayed up-to-date. The back-end and DB stack all seems future-proof so far, so I wouldn’t change anything.


    • @nutomicMA
      1210 months ago
      • Private communities would be good to have, problem is that they will require changes to all parts of the code which makes it very complex to implement.
      • I certainly wouldnt have to rewrite the federation code so often if I already knew how to do it.