The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto

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I expect this to be a bit controversial. I actually went into this article a bit skeptical of its scope. Intersectional feminism is already pretty heavily written about. But what our authors have done is figure out how to remove the liberalism. In removing liberalism, however, what remains is a proposition far more radical than most people would have ever conceived. We’re going to take the “abolish gender” slogan seriously at face value, because doing so is the only way to alleviate the contradictions of gender norms under capitalism. Some choice quotes:

Material relations are relations of production. That is, they are the way we relate to the various ways we labor and produce things. All of society is based upon these relations of production and they produce all of our social systems. Gender is no different.

So where does gender’s material base lie? Gender is produced primarily by the division of reproductive labor. Reproductive labor is any labor that helps to produce the next generation, including sex, birth, childcare, and homemaking, and gender is defined by how this labor is divided up, with the different genders being distinct classes which are expected to perform specific sorts of tasks regarding reproductive labor.

Gender is the earliest class systems and, as a result, it precedes the state, even in its earliest most basic form. This means that, unlike capitalism, race, neuronormativity, and the various other class systems, the state is not the primary means by which gender is imposed upon people. This isn’t to say that the state doesn’t impose gender, but it is supplementary, not primary. By the time states were cropping up, gender had already solidified itself and become quite adept at imposing itself upon others.

As has been referenced previously, gender is a system of class, and is one defined by the domination of manhood over society. This is why another name for the gender class system is patriarchy. Gender as a social system is patriarchy and patriarchy is the social class system of gender. Within this class system, we find three distinct classes, two accepted and one subversive.

This class dynamic of man over woman is the principal dynamic of patriarchy, but they do not comprise the only two classes. Instead, we find that some people relate to reproductive labor differently than how it’s imposed upon the population. This is especially the case with regards to sex, when someone engages in sexual relations that do not fit with the dynamics imposed by patriarchy. This includes people who are sexually attracted to people of the same gender (gay/lesbian people), of multiple genders (bisexual/pansexual people), or no gender (asexual people). In addition, people whose gender is different from the one patriarchy assigns to them can’t be classed as neatly as people who accept the assignment by gender. While they might be personally men or women, they aren’t treated by society in quite the same way so they comprise a distinct social class. Characteristic to this is the detachment of sex and romance from reproducing the next generation. While it’s still possible for all of these groups to reproduce the next generation, it is no longer a necessary part of sex and romance.

Since this third class is defined by it’s difference from those of the first two classes, it is named queer. Queer people are all those who relate differently to the division of reproductive labor assigned to them by patriarchy. Because of the different relations, queer people are inherently subversive to the class system as a whole and constitute the revolutionary class under patriarchy.

Class, class, class. We are dominated and controlled. Sorted and divided. But where do we factor into all this? People see class like this as merely imposed, but that fails to account for the ways we actually interact with it. It isn’t simply imposed upon us. We are active participants within it, we perform it.

This is hardly done freely. The violence of the system is inherent and systemic. We perform these acts surrounded by the violence of gender. But we still perform them. Gender isn’t content with forcing itself upon us. Instead, it forces us to say “yes” to it.

This serves as a method of control and reproduction. Gender isn’t inherent, but it spreads by assigning us to a class and forcing us to say yes to that class. “Yes, I am a man. It is who I am and who I always have been. I cannot escape it or deny it. I am a man.” This is nothing but a lie we are forced to repeat. But by repeating it enough, we come to believe it. Gender becomes natural, inescapable, eternal. It ceases to be an imposed identity and becomes an eternal part of who we are. By objecting to my gender, you are objecting to that which is inherently me.

Here lies one of gender’s greatest defense mechanisms: Ourselves. We insist upon it and reject those who turn away from it. It becomes an unholy act for those who turn from the path. Indeed, it seems to us as if there’s no other option. We say yes because that’s all we can say. It is made inconceivable that it could be any other way.

  • TheConquestOfBedOP
    3 years ago

    I think cis men will be pretty resistent (oh nuuuuus muh sacred masculinity) but imo people would be happier if the pressure just wasn’t there. Like people shitting on transmascs who still like makeup and skirts or whatever. They’re literally thinking way too hard about it. Or guys who obsess with having crisp defined muscles but still aren’t happy in their conformance to the ideal. Having a healthy hobby is cool but you can’t bet your whole self on it. You’re a complicated and dialectical being outside of your gender conforming traits too.

    • Ratette (she/her)
      3 years ago

      Cis men always are, I remember confronting my own toxic masculinity and it wasn’t simple so I can’t imagine the walls some actually masculine gym bro dudes face.

      I always try to articulate gender roles to them in a way that addresses a gripe they have with the binary as it exists.

      They always as you say “hurr durr but men are meant to be the provider” and I always try to frame it as feminism and the abolition of gender roles would free them from all the toxic expectations they themselves moan about. “Men don’t get equal representation in childcare” okay then so let’s address that by empowering women to be free of gender roles and by extension free men to!

      That’s the angle I try to take. Feminism and abolition of gender benefits them.

      I think what’s more difficult than explaining that is overcoming their control fetish. Most guys like that I find seem to have an obsession with “being in charge” etc and its that loss of power and control that they seem to struggle with the most.

      I hate that obsession with gender presentation in cis people. It’s like you can do what you like, why do you continue to confine yourself to one particular presentation? I dunno societal expectations and culture around what makes “man” or a “woman” have always passed me off. Arbitrary lines in the sand.

      I guess conversely I can appreciate why the above doesn’t translate specifically to trans people as they might want to affirm their gender more but again instead of people just letting others do what they like and defining how they role we’ve got almost stricter rules on trans people thanks to cis people policing their trans-ness and its ridiculous.

      • TheConquestOfBedOP
        3 years ago

        Most guys like that I find seem to have an obsession with “being in charge” etc and its that loss of power and control that they seem to struggle with the most.

        From what I’ve seen, they unironically believe that losing their gender will further alienate them. Most cis men feel like cannon fodder and hold tight onto masculine power to try and kind of assert that they have social value. The side effect is not just alienation of queer people, but the alienation of people who eventually call themselves incels for their (often just perceived) inability to conform. It’s a big alienation sandwich for everyone involved.

        It can kind of have to do with the partners they pursue, too. Mainstream folk can be pretty unkind to nonconforming men, even some feminists who don’t really internalize queer theory stuff (though, as stats show, women are more likely to be queer already). Obviously, this sort of awareness among all the genders will be necessary.

        we’ve got almost stricter rules on trans people thanks to cis people policing their trans-ness and its ridiculous.

        I think similar to the masc thing, truscum fear their own irrelevance. To them it’s often “conform or die” which isn’t fully their fault given the open hostility toward us, but their cynicism toward feminist theory is still really grating. Every queer-friendly person I’ve talked to is super chill and low stress, at least about lgbt stuff.


        • Ratette (she/her)
          3 years ago

          Yeah that’s a good point, cis het men already feel like the pariahs (mostly for things they themselves do ngl) but that’s always where I try to get to when I’m in a conversation.

          “People just hate white straight men!”

          Do they?

          “Well why is everything our fault?”

          Is it or is it the system that benefits you considerably over everyone else that you also defend that people take aim at?

          “Well how is that my fault?!”

          Well you defend it instead of helping to change it to benefit everyone. The people who suffer have explained it and you don’t want to hear it.

          Etc etc etc.

          These are the conversations I’ve had way to much and I’m just as fault for having very little patience for them. I guess because I repressed for so long thanks to toxic masculine culture (despite not being part of it) and heteronormativity and still managed to step away from it and educate myself I tend to get a bit unforgiving with sexist or homophobic cis men who pull the above but that’s something I guess I should address lol.

          I’ve never thought about it but yeah they see the hostility and do what they can to conform to the status quo as cis people defined it vs pushing back against the reductionist takes of cis and standing saying “no this is trans!”.

          “CISSIES, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS.” This needs to go on a picture of anime marx in a skater skirt.

          Also I found the perfect meme for this: