I keep asking this as information develops and the year goes on. What do you guys think?

  • @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
    52 years ago

    I agree, but historically USA was founded on the ideals of federation. The UN and EU are founded on similar principles. And while none of them actually function ideally, I still believe it is the best way to go. Freedom of movement must be conserved, which as an outsider, I’m led to believe EU is pretty good at. Unlike USa, where the Interstate Compact let’s you get fucked for say owing a ton of fines to another state’s motor vehicle agency.

    But ultimately, the tyranny of the minority is worse when for example Texas controls public schoolbooks, the patent courts, and abortion ideology via the supreme court. If they were separated a little more via federation they might not weild as much power over all the other states. Same for Delaware, Nevada, California, etc.

    • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
      92 years ago

      This is the key. Also the US doesn’t just suppress socialist progress within, it does so aggressively abroad. Anything that reduces its ability to do that both globally and nationally is a good thing. I’m so over clutching at pearls about the human cost of long-term positive change in the US when they’re murdering people daily around the world. The only way that makes sense is if one values white lives over others.