I am brand new to mobile gaming lol.

I have done some searching around but I’m unable to find anything that suits my interests.

I prefer games that are MMORPG or RPG the most (recently uninstalled Diablo Immortal for many reasons). However, I am open to any and all suggestions.

  • @Zerush
    2 years ago

    In mobile you can use a lot of games, it doesn’t matter if it’s iOS or Android (or PC), if, instead of downloading the games, you use the ones they offer online in web format (Html5, WebGL , Java, Unity,etc) format, for example here https://www.crazygames.com, which you can play right now in the browser for free. There are a lot of sites like this one. You’ll find also even classic games, like TombRider or Quake among much others. If you want to install a game (RPG), you’ll find the game Eternium in your app store or also in Steam. It’s a Diablo style RPG, with very nice graphics, optimized for touch screen, free to play and not pay2win like others (ingame shop, mostly cosmetics apps like clothes for your avatar and things like this)

    • @suspendedOP
      22 years ago

      Eternium is perfect! Thank you.

      • @Zerush
        22 years ago

        Eternium is also for PC, there with Mouse and Keyboard, with your account yous status is synced (search in Steam)