Modern psychiatry is a pseudoscientific institution used by the bourgeois to promote an “ideal” person and legitimize the health consequences of capitalism.

Psychiatrists diagnose anyone that doesn’t conform to the capitalist society as abnormal and in need of fixing. They then attempt to use therapies or drugs to achieve this solution.

    32 years ago

    Comrades, I think more consideration is required in this topic. For one, it’s important to distinguish psychiatry from psychology; the former are MDs who can prescribe, and the latter often conduct ongoing therapy. One interaction between the two I’m aware of is psychologists maintain a therapeutic relationship with clients, who they may then refer to a psychiatrist for medication.

    I don’t doubt that capitalist society has a tragically limited set of acceptable personality types and that psychology is used to keep labor exploitable. However I believe professional therapists will would exist in an ideal society simply because humans are prone to suffering, and talking to someone is helpful to a lot of people. I don’t doubt a liberated society would produce fewer psychological pathologies in people, but do we really believe the number would be zero?

    I comment here as someone who has found therapy helpful. I want to normalize that option for comrades who need it. A positive development in western society is the vast reduction in stigma associated with seeking therapy. Let’s make sure comrades feel ok getting help if they need it.

      12 years ago

      As a psychiatrized mentally ill person I’ve mostly had bad experiences the moment a doctor gives me a diagnosis. This branch of medicine is bursting with issues and most of them come from the paternalistic idea that a mentally ill person should be deprived of their autonomy and the following, expected, distress is part of the pathology. The current system doesn’t allow me real help because some of my issues will be met with a dehumanizing hospitalization.

      I’m sure talk and drug therapy will always exist, but I expect a very radical change from this discipline. There is no stigma associated with therapy, it’s trendy now. There is stigma against showing signs and symptoms of mental distress.

      Comrades need to know that there is help AND that they deserve to keep their autonomy at all times during treatment.

        12 years ago

        I’m sorry you’ve had those experiences. Being deprived of one’s autonomy, which I take to mean involuntary hospitalization, I imagine is terrifying.