• @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
      -22 years ago

      What does my comment or the post have to do with “wokeism” or trans rights? The post and my comment are about socialist patriotism, those topics arent even mentioned.

        • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          False. Caleb Maupin, the most famous “patsoc” is an ardent supporter of trans rights and always has been. He organized pro trans rights marches in New York against the NYPDs profiling of trans women as “prostitutes”, once even with Mariela Castro. He is an outspoken feminist, antiracist, proLGBTQ rights and antibigot. Ill post 2 youtube examples of this from his channel:

          https://youtu.be/hPclz6YJzvk At 18:45, although i recommend watching the entire debate to see Calebs actual views vs the slander against him

          https://youtu.be/x4fZZA4_uEY At 2:28

          Maybe other “patsocs” are transphobic, but Caleb isnt. This should show you that “patsoc” is a meaningless label, “patsocs” have very different views.

            • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              He does support trans rights, he has marched many times for trans rights in his activist days. He insists on human rights to drive home the point, that even if trans people were “degenerates” and “mentally ill” as transphobes say, that wouldnt justify attacking them and discriminating them. Its to drive the point home that, whether you think trans women are “real women” or not, there is no justification for bigotry, discrimination and hate. He also often says that he does not know anything about gender ideology/transgender ideology/however you wanna call it, so he doesnt take a position on that, which i think is fair.

              PD: By gender/transgender ideology i mean all of these studies and ideas on whether trans women are same as cis women, gender vs sex and all that. I dont know what you are supposed to call it, so i call it gender/transgender ideology, pardon me if its offensive.

              • @afellowkid@lemmygrad.ml
                2 years ago

                Calling it gender/transgender ideology has grown into an anti-trans dog whistle at this point. So, by it’s nature as a dog whistle, it is used by plenty of people who are uninformed and don’t mean anything by it, but it is also used by people who tend to push theories that “someone” is pushing “gender ideology” that is taking over society, corrupting the medical industry (if a doctor believes trans treatment is valid, they have been compromised, they are part of the conspiracy; if a person is trans, they have been deluded, or they are a sexual predator in hiding)–if you follow the threads, you will often find yourself tugging on the end of an anti-Semitic or Q-Anon style conspiracy theory. By calling it “ideology” it downplays the scientific knowledge available about trans people and leaves room for the idea that it is purely a “choice” (a discussion that is generally not held in a principled way that respects scientific knowledge and tends to be used as an easy conversation-stopper, allowing a wide range of idealist anti-LGBT positions to go unexamined against scientific knowledge) and at worst, emphasizes the notion that there is a secretive, infiltrative brainwashing campaign being conducted by some shadowy “elites” (which tends to be a dogwhistle for “Jews”).

                So although “offensive” is not really how I would describe it, I would say that if you refer to gender/transgender “ideology” you are definitely going to get peoples’ guards up, and make people feel nervous and on edge, because for all they know you are someone who is prone to believing and spreading various bigoted conspiracy theories (intentionally or unintentionally), or someone who is intentionally hiding their bigotry while also trying to spread it (something that you can regularly find transphobes and white supremacists talking among themselves strategizing about doing, I know because I follow such discussion groups). Someone like Maupin who digs their heels in when criticized over their lack of knowledge on this topic is going to raise peoples red flags. Personally, I’ve watched a few hours of his content, and read some of his work–perhaps I’ll engage with him a bit more soon to refresh my view of him. I’ve got some reservations/criticisms of him but I do believe on trans issues he is a case of someone who is not secretly an extreme bigot, but who is stubbornly refusing to become more informed, because he regards gender issues more as “ideology” than “science”, causing him to de-prioritize finding out more details and to only see the surface issues, which I find to be a flawed position.

                (Edit: I have gone and watched the videos you linked to someone else itt–I had seen his Thought Slime response previously but re-watched it, and I’m also watching this one now and viewing portions of his recent vids to generally refresh my view on Maupin so as to have a more accurate/updated view of him if this conversation continues.)

                By gender/transgender ideology i mean all of these studies and ideas on whether trans women are same as cis women, gender vs sex and all that. I dont know what you are supposed to call it

                The term “gender studies” will cover this and not make people feel nervous. It’s the term used in academia and refers to studies about women, feminism, and LGBT issues. If you are talking about other aspects of life outside of the academic study of gender, you could say “gender related issues” “trans related issues” or “LGBT related issues”.

                Regarding your positions about patriotism, I have some things to say. I’ve actually watched several hours of Haz/Infrared’s content in the past (I feel that I recall you mentioning him at some point, I may be wrong) and find him and some of his positions interesting, and I do think it’s over-simplification when people just toss him out as reactionary without going through his positions one-by-one, several of which I think are worth talking about, especially since much of his approach is all about shaking people up and forcing them to confront what makes them uncomfortable to acknowledge. Again, I have criticisms about him (or, what I saw of him, quite some time ago by now), different ones than I have of Maupin. But anyway, I think the way you are framing the patriotism issue regarding Americans is not a going to be a successful approach (partly due to the U.S. being a settler-colonial society with ongoing land-stealing, displacement, and murder of the indigenous population; partly due to the way everyone is using different and shifting definitions of “patriotism” here while basically agreeing on many of each other’s points; partly due to what I think are flawed comparisons being made between colonies, semi-colonies, settler colonies, and metropoles; partly due to “American identity” being a very nebulous and fragmented concept due to the U.S.'s settler, slavery descendent, and indigenous populations still living in physical segregation from each other). I want to talk with you about it as I think there are some things you should consider. However I don’t have time currently to write more.

                • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 years ago

                  Ah i see, so “gender studies” is the correct term. Thanks! I agree with your post 100%, 99% of people here attacking Maupin and Infrared have no idea about them. I tend to agree more with Maupin than Infrared, Haz is too hostile to identity politics for my taste, and has some weird twitter takes too. He still has interesting things to say sometimes, which is why i prefer having an open mind.

            • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              What organization are you talking about? I dont understand. Are you talking about CPI? CPI is not reactionary, its led by Caleb Maupin and has white, black, christian, muslim and trans members from very different backgrounds. Most of them are socially liberal like Maupin, although there are some socially conservative members, mainly religious people. Racism isnt tolerated tho, they are explictly antiracist. Like bro they uphold John Brown, who killed slave owners and freed the slaves, as a national hero xD