Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home <3 In the time honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    Just skimmed through ‘Modernity and the Holocaust’ by Zygmunt Bauman. I had some high hopes for the book, as it should analyse how the Holocaust was not a one off crazy event but rather a product of society. It sounded very good.

    It started with a fucking Orwell quote, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I read a few pages but it was 1) pretty dry and 2) it seemed to lack a sort of complete analysis of (capitalist) society. Rather, it seems the whole book can be condensed to ‘human nature bad’. It also bases things off of Milgrams’ famous ‘human bad’ expiriment. An expiriment that has received a decent amount of criticism over the years.

    It also seems to lack a complete marxist-type analysis. Maybe I’m spoiled with that after reading so many theory, idk.

    I don’t know if I’ll continue tbh. If anyone here has read the book, let me know what your opinion on it is.