• z3rOR0ne
    1 year ago

    I bicycled on a fixed gear brakeless bike for four years in Los Angeles during the mid 2010s. The cycling culture there at the time was very anti authoritarian. Very anti car. I got back in a car after realizing my whole life and identity was caught up in the bicycle, which wouldn’t have been the case had infrastructure made it feasible for me to not spend most of my time planning around basic trips to see friends and grabbing groceries.

    That time in my life made me realize how car centric the US is even with having never biked in other countries. That said, I’d say even if it takes 2 or 3 generations for US infrastructure to change for the better for pedestrians, cyclists, and other forms of public transportation, then the US should push in that direction. It is dire in the US regarding this topic, but the fight needs to continue on.