This could either go really good or really bad. Maybe I shouldn’t take commie books to school

    • Marxist Jo 🏳️‍⚧️OP
      102 years ago

      The kind who says they don’t have a political opinion and then rants for 3 hours about why teenagers are delinquents. I don’t think they’re too bad in terms of bigotry

        112 years ago

        Agh a “centrist” past their prime. So they say they don’t have political opinion cause they “aren’t interested in politics” or “I’m better than these rAdICaLS”. I mean I think it could work out, Parenti starts off destroying fascists and critiques the USSR so I think if they see any “red flags of a tankie” they are already too deep in the book. I say go for it, but it’s your life.