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These people keep bringing up “mArKeT sHaRE”

  1. Linux is free. How would it get market share?
  2. It’s quite difficult to get an accurate “market share” since user-agents can be faked.

EDIT: I wonder if Microsoft are making anti-Linux accounts to try and hamper Linux.

    12 years ago

    I’ll take your word for it re: the contributions to the kernel from MS

    But re:linuxmasterrace, just because it devolved to memes about arch linux doesn’t mean that MS is behind it. Arch is a popular distro, and that entire community (linuxmasterrace) isn’t there for discussion, it’s there for low effort posts and memes.

      32 years ago

      Where am I saying that MS is behind it? All I’m saying is that in my experience linuxmasterrace used to be better than it is right now.

        12 years ago

        not you, the OP says “I wonder if Microsoft are making anti-Linux accounts to try and hamper Linux.”