• @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    S-400 and S-500 can literally massacre(yes that is the correct word to use) NATO jets lol. We in Yugoslavia got F-117 new and most modern ‘‘invisible’’ in 1990s with Soviet anti-aircraft system from 1960s, lmao imagine what would happen today with S-400 and S-500… On one hand, I don’t want war, especially not that catastrophic, on the other hand, I’d like to see them falling from the sky like flies while burning in pieces for all they did to my country and 100+ others in the past 70 years…

    • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      And they also have S-550 systems which are apparently for intercepting missiles if i’m not mistaken.

      The Americans are really freaked out by these things, i remember reading somewhere recently that apparently because they are so effective the only plan the Americans have to try and hit Russia if it comes to a direct conflict with possibility of going nuclear is to just throw everything all at once Hamas style and hope that at least a few make it through Russia’s air defense.

      Russia on the other hand has those brand new Sarmats which go around the entire globe and can strike from the unprotected south of the mainland USA.

      So i can understand why the US has been in a panic and scrambling to expand NATO, including into the Arctic, to get its missiles and missile defenses as close as possible.