I’m sure someone has asked this somewhere here or elsewhere, but I’m curious

1.What’s everyone’s favorite Game?

  1. Favorite retro game?

3.What game(s) are you playing right now?

  1. What games have most recently got?

  2. Any games you just beat?

  3. What consoles does everyone own? (plus handhelds) (PC is an answer)

  4. Worst game you’ve played?

  5. Favorite game song?

Feel free to skip around mix and match the questions.

  1. My favorite is Persona 4 or BoTW.
  2. I like Mario 64.
  3. I’m playing deltarune chapter 2 (it’s great actually, I played the first in 2019 and the second is divine so far, I love it so far.) Also Deus X (The first one), Majoras Mask (3D), Touhou 10, Hoi4 recently, as well as KARDS, a ww2 card game.
  4. I got deltarune (on my new pc, I played the first on switch)
  5. Deltarune chapter 1 (I promise that’s it)
  6. Ps2, N64, Wii (my switch is gone :( ) I also own a 2ds
  7. Probably the Phineas and Ferb wii game
  8. TOUGH, there’s too much, I’ve been listening to Flowering Night from Touhou, though the big ones I love everyone does, Zelda stuff etc. Honestly I love all game songs mostly.

I love games so much, especially Nintendo, a shame I don’t have enough games and consoles lol. I am buying a pink GBA though so eh.

  • Ratette (she/her)
    2 years ago
    1. My all time favourite game is Sonic Adventure 2 💯

    2. If Mario 64 counts as retro per OPs post then my favourite retro game is Sonic Adventure 1 😎

    3. I’ve recently modded both Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 to have playable Supersonic (Supershadow in 2 as well) in them (also with flying controls 😭) so I’m doing that currently and it’s my childhood gaming dream finally realised 🥰

    4. I bought Celeste finally and redownloaded MGR Revengeance but for PC this time since my ps3 went the journey a while back.

    5. Last full game (not including fucking Sonic Adventure 1 or 2 lol) was probably Elden Ring for my sins.

    6. PC, PS5, PS4 with PT on it 😳 (pedigree ikr) Gamecube, 3DS, and a Switch. A lot of my older consoles are lost or broken 😕 RIP my Dreamcast, you were always the best 💙

    7. Any “boost” era sonic game but Forces was particularly shit.

    8. Saying the entirety of the SA1/SA2 soundtracks or the Revengeance soundtrack feels like I’m just becoming a meme SO ima say I’m vibing to Dark Beast Ganon at the minute since I need more variety in this response that isn’t just fucking sonic or sonic adjacent (looking at you Raiden you little music blasting zippy ninja boy) but the Undertale soundtrack is also without flaws ngl as well as Persona 3, 4 and 5.

    Just gunna sneak this in here though as it’s legit probably my all time favourite song: https://youtu.be/VXeIRsqqFbA

    I swear I play other things that aren’t Sonic Adventure, I’m just in that place ATM okay? 🤣😭

      • Ratette (she/her)
        2 years ago

        The gameplay tells me it’s not going to be an Adventure adjacent title (but I always knew that) so with that in mind…

        The gameplay (despite others saying its not a boost game) looks boosty. There’s parts in the gameplay demo where Sonic literally gets the anime lines effect and speeds up on a dime and without boost pads like older titles that tells me it’s absolutely a boost title with everything that entails:

        • homing attack lock on reticule
        • boost centric gameplay vs freedom of flow
        • linear and almost on rails level design (if they incorporate action stages into the open world aspect like in adventure 1 or sonic 06)
        • forced 2D sections potentially
        • dumbed down rail grinding sections
        • unwieldy hedgehogs

        Those things don’t fill me with exactly hope but on the flip side theres obviously a lot of freedom to run about compared to the standard boost era games per the demo and the enemy fighting again feels like a hybrid of sonic heroes and shadows fighting from sonic 06 which should make it more fun and a unique experience which when I’m this dried of good sonic games I’m all happy for.

        Honestly I think it will be the best 3D Sonic game since Sonic 06 but imo that’s a very low bar and comes with a huge amount of personal bias against the boost era games.

        NB: Sonic 06 was a disgrace as a functioning game but I adored the overworld/NPCs/quests and multiple characters story lines/campaigns which while awful in execution, felt like a shitty attempt at recapturing the adventure vibe/homage to those games and that won it a lot of points with me in the same way Generations won a lot of praise for its nostalgia bait which helped me complete it.

        • Yeah, we can only hope for the best. But, if I’m honest, I’m expecting boost gameplay with the open world segment having mini-quests or whatever to unlock the next level.

          The battle system looked kinda janky to me

          • Ratette (she/her)
            22 years ago

            Yeah I think you might be right.

            It did but honestly anything to shake up the boost gameplay I’ll take at this point 🤣