I’m stuck in the U.S.

There is a lot of junk ingredients in U.S food, which can be a problem for mental health; as the human brain is influenced by and influences the gastrointestinal area.[1][2][3]

To describe this ‘gut-brain’ relationship in other terms: stomach conditions can change the general behavior of someone. The Brain-Gut relationship means that you can change the behavior of a person by changing the food they eat.

I think the U.S food industry outright drugs the people with addictive and junk ingredients (added sugar) to suppress class consciousness and marxist thought.

So how do I deal with the withdrawal of U.S food?

  1. The gut-brain connection, Harvard Health Publishing ↩︎

  2. The Brain-Gut Connection, John Hopkins Medicine ↩︎

  3. Relationships Among the Brain, the Digestive System, and Eating Behavior: Workshop Summary ↩︎

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    52 years ago

    When you get the oil out of say, olives, you don’t heat them. You just press the olives and collect the oil. In order to process the oils out of say soybeans or cotton seeds the seeds/oil it repeatedly heated as a part of the extraction and purification process.

      • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        42 years ago

        The issue is how hot, how long, and how many times you heat it. Heating some olive oil to cook in your home isn’t going to be like what they do with these seeds oils. Sure it might cause a little degradation but in general it’s nothing to worry about. You aren’t stripping away all the other good stuff that comes with the oil. Compare that to soybean oil which is so refined and purified that it isn’t considered “soy” anymore. You don’t have to put soy allergy ratings of anything with soy oil in it because of that. So I don’t fret with using olive oil. If you are terribly worried try coconut. It’s basically all saturated fat and no omegas so you don’t have to worry about throwing off your omega 6 to 3 ratios.

        This all being said I wouldn’t want to like, deep fry, in olive oil or something.

          • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
            42 years ago

            He has a lot of good ones and usually has most of the sources in the video description. Most of them focus on insulin resistance and how our modern diet is just all complete bullshit put in place by people getting rich off poisoning us.

            Even the “low sodium” diets are controversial in their long term effects on blood pressure and insulin resistance. https://youtu.be/SVNkGOv05v0

              • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
                32 years ago

                I actually do keto pretty regularly and usually have one day a week I’ll break. Mostly due to lack of self control as a weekend comes around and I live with people that eat trash food and am this surrounded by constant temptation. But even then it’s only 1 or 2 days on the weekend. I started this diet because I was borderline diabetic. So I just said fuck it no more carbs. Now my glucose levels are perfect and my insulin sensitivity is fine.

                I also do a 16+ hour fast daily and some days do full OMAD. Except in the morning I’ll have a small glass of kombucha to start things off. I ferment it for like 3-4 weeks so it’s very vinegary and no sugar left in it. It take the place of the shot of vinegar I used to do every morning. Less painful but just as effective. Also I add electrolytes to the water I drink. A little salt and potassium citrate. You actually need more of it on keto and especially if you are fasting.

                Even when not doing OMAD I usually will just have a couple of small snack like meals then one larger dinner. I do a good amount of eggs. I also love sardines so that helps with omega 3s. I have been weight lifting so protein is my main focus and I’ll usually have a protein shake or two on lift and recover days. I also ferment a lot of my own foods like pickles, sauerkraut, kombucha, vinegars, and kimchi. Every so many months (4-5 usually) I try and do a multi-day fast of at least 5 days. Longest I went was just a few hours shy of 7 days. Right after that one I had a bout of just basically eating salads as my big meal of the day. Like almost every day…for like 4 months. Make my own ranch dressing out of plain Greek yogurt thinned with almond milk and then using the seasoning packets. Adds a ton of protein to the salad and tastes just the same as regular ranch. People assume keto is just eating a big plate of meat but half my food is low carb vegetables.

                When not salads I just have a fairly normal looking plate. A serving of meat then lots of vegetables just not the carby kind. I am also big on not throwing away stuff so like, when I cook anything I try to use all of it. I keep vegetable and meat scraps, bones, etc. Freeze it all then when I have enough make stock for soups and stuff. I save all the fat from cooking meat and render it. Tallow/beef fat I keep for cooking. Lard/bacon fat I render and sometimes cook with but I mainly make soap out of it.

                When I cook with any kind of oil I usually use either the tallow I save, coconut oil, or olive oil. Honestly most things I make I don’t even use a lot of added fat.

                Generally, if I didn’t live with people that surround me with the junkiest of junk food I’d be pretty damn healthy. As it stand I am struggling to keep the weight off right now. Work is hell so the weekend hits, I fall to temptation, and when I fall, I fall hard. Ending up undoing any weight loss for the week. The key point though is my blood glucose levels are still good and my insulin sensitivity is doing good. So as long as I can maintain that at the least I am happy with it.