It is not just guns they have. Fucking tanks, choppers, drones. What can the workers do?

    82 years ago

    The other thing is, this century will not be like the last. IMO the most important difference will be the mass-migration of networked workers who can keep in touch with friends/family back home in real time from whereever they work. This will give labor organizing a multinational dimension.

    This is important. Labour organizing needs to become international in any situation where the labour pool is. It’s why liberals love open borders so much.

      82 years ago

      It is worth remembering that offshoring worked precisely because labour wasn’t international enough. In the UK we used to bring migrants from India etc to work in factories and mills. They struck for better pay and conditions, as well as respect, like everyone else. They benefited from the pro-union laws. Offshoring undermined that.