Before I became a communist, I used to believe that the largest de-facto conspiracy out there was the money-issuing capability of national and international banks.

After discovering the truth behind communism, I immediately stopped being interested in this conspiracy theory, because it was plagued by antisemitism and all too often coincided with cryptocurrency promotion programs or religious preaching.

That said, after two years or so of exploring Marxism, I haven’t stumbled upon almost any solid attempts at debunking the narrative that is being spread in many of the right-wing “libertarian” circles, as most Marxist analysis is focused on class and class differences, rather than bourgeois economical ideas.

So, I am asking now, what does Marxism say about banking? Specifically, here are a few videos that I used to watch and get my ideas about banking from before I became a communist. Some of them peddle obvious falsehoods, such as the one about the Rothschilds and the events of the battle of Waterloo, but others are more difficult to disprove:

    2 years ago

    David Harvey is a marxist geographer that talks about bourgeoisie economic ideas on his podcast pretty routinely and is something of an expert on neoliberalism.

    Michael Hudson (Trotskyist) spent a great deal of time studying the global financial system and the US balance of payments and has stories that are kind of mind blowing (like is dude for real about the CIA approaching him to help them finance the Vietnam war through the mob?? Its crazy but it isnt unbelievable all things considered). He expanded his research by looking into financial systems of the ancient Sumarians and others to compare and contrast the past and present. He has many lectures and panels on youtube.

    Im pretty sure I’ve also heard Vijay Prasad talk about similar things as well. He is a good source for all things marxism and is a good figure for keeping western marxists like Harvey in check and in context.

    Yanis Varoufakis, former finace minister of Greece iirc, is a pretty good source as well, especially for Europe. I dont think he is explicitly marxist but is still useful imo, especially for this topic.