Additionally, it should be pointed out that the Soviet Union explored space for scientific and human advancement. The US did it to try to one-up the ‘evil communists’

  • Catraism-Stalinism
    102 years ago

    I love how america was going insane because it was a race somehow and the USSR was chillin just trying to do space stuff.

    • Ninmi
      22 years ago

      I don’t know if either side could claim they won the race, surely launching the first human into space should’ve garnered much more recognition. But considering the Soviet and the US were one-upping eachother everywhere (like with enormous nuclear powered aircraft carriers and stupid huge submarines), it seems like the cope of a decade to claim the Soviet Union was just “doing space stuff”.

      • @morrowind
        -52 years ago

        The whole post is a cope, welcome to tankieland