World is regressing towards fascism more and more. Life is gettin too expensive.

    162 years ago

    I wouldn’t worry too much. The CPC are obviously aware of this possibility. It’s going to be a factor in their decision making.

    The thing to remember is that China is control of its actions; it controls its capitalists. The US, on the other hand, is controlled by capitalists. That’s why US foreign policy is about enriching its capitalists and US domestic policy is about protecting its capitalists from the workers they exploit.

    How does that relate to the threat of US nukes? While Western capitalists see China as a threat to their free reign, it’s also a part of the global economy they make money off of.

    The POTUS might control the nuclear football but his masters decide if and when he uses it. And while proxy wars are good for capitalists, nuclear war isn’t.

      72 years ago

      OH right, nuking China would nuke manufacturing. So we need to get worried when manufacturing becomes less dependent on China. Good insight.

        92 years ago

        Even without manufacturing, it’s also a massive and growing consumer market while spending power in the West decreases.

        But if you’re worrying about the economic decoupling having implications, I still wouldn’t. We’re already seeing that China has eclipsed the US in terms of missile delivery technology and I wouldn’t be surprised if their willingness to decouple is paired with knowing that they have the US beat in missile defence, too.