Hello! I managed to set up an instance quite easily with Ansible, only problem now is that I can’t send emails in any way!

If I leave the default configuration (postfix: 25) and try to ask for a password reset, it tells me it sent it but nothing really comes.

I then thought of using an external SMTP, since I have it available together with the domain.

If I put: “smtps.aruba.it” then adding smtp_login and smtp_password when I try to send an email I get an error with only written: “465”.

If I add the port to the SMTP server like this: “smtps.aruba.it:465” and also adding in “tls_type: tls” the server freezes for 5 minutes, does not send anything and I do not receive any errors.

I’m definitely doing something wrong but what? Where can I look?


  • @southerntofu
    22 years ago

    From what i can read here default email.tls_type value is “none” and it’s not overridden in lemmy-ansible. Maybe try this?

    • @skarikoOP
      22 years ago

      yes, actually i tried ‘none’, ‘tls’ and ‘starttls’ but with no success. I tried with external SMTP because the default created by ansible does not work:

        email: {
          smtp_server: "postfix:25"
          smtp_from_address: "noreply@mydomain.it"
          tls_type: "none"
      • @southerntofu
        12 years ago

        Sounds like a bug. When you turn on debug logging do you see anything specific? (i don’t even know if debug logging is a thing in Lemmy ansible setup). Can you maybe also try with another SMTP client like msmtp to see if you can reach your mail server from it? It’s possible that some network misconfiguration prevents it, or that your mail provider has blocked your IP/range for some reason.

          • Dave
            310 months ago

            Apologies for necro’ing an old thread but - the above link has gone 404. What was the solution? I’m trying to do the same thing and am not sure how to get it to authenticate with my SMTP server.

            • @skarikoOP
              210 months ago

              My problem was that the Hetzner server was new and therefore certain ports were closed. I solved it by contacting Hetzner support and having them open the ports.