• CaptainDeath2America@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      War Nerd Radio did an episode on it if you listen to that. The guest on the show, Thomas Whigham, wrote these books:

      The Paraguayan War: Causes and Early Conduct

      The Road to Armageddon: Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-1870

    • Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      The triplice war was an war of agression started by paraguay in 1865, when they passed through argentinian territory without permission and attacked brasillian territory. Brasil, Uruguay and Argentina then started an aliance to fight Paraguay. Because of the awfull Paraguayan military cordination and the old tactics used by the commanders, the main army was almost completelly wiped in the first main battles, (the Paraguayan army was the strongest and most well trained on South america by the time btw, so they could have won if the commaders werent so bad) after losing most of the main army, the paraguayan leader, Solano Lopez, refused to surrender and started to force civilians, many of then being children, to fight against the triplice army. Because of the war being extend much more then it should haved, the Paraguayan economy being destroyed, and the fact that the armies where forced to fight in the awfull terrain of Swamps and jungles, filled of diseases and far away from supplied regions, lots of soldiers and civilians died. The war only ended after Solano Lopez was killed. On total 140.000 people died from the triplice side, and 300.000 people, both civilians and soldiers, died from the paraguayan side.