• Ice_wizzard12@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Final update 25 minutes in: out of the 7k almost 8k people who have seen this only 2 people said how young they were and 1 person said that its “So sad to see, knowing what they’ll probably have to go through and how many of them will probably die, just because of this one crazy old lunatic”. the post has almost 100 upvotes and I’m starting to think it won’t get banned and they mostly see nothing wrong with this. My personal favorite comment is “The Ukrainian people never cease to amaze me. They love their land of freedom. They are brave, courageous, intelligent and resilient. These qualities are in their DNA as individuals and as a nation. I have no doubt after this war Ukraine will rise as a powerful nation and play an important role for securing a long-lasting world peace.” If you read all this thank you for listening to my ted talk comrades I’m gonna try and sleep and forget about this crime against humanity.

          • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            I seem to remember imperial fucktonnes of imperial liberal froth over Joseph Kony and his child soldiers. Like, what’s the difference between Kony and Zelensky at this point?

          • Leia_Round@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            That’s because their own governments send children to war. One thing every government has in common is who they send to die for thei borders.

          • frippa
            2 years ago

            Russia has no hope in the war, and that’s why we need to send billions of dollars and tons of weapons to Ukraine! 1!1!1!1!1!1

        • Ice_wizzard12@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          update: so i woke up and i was banned its was up for like 4 hours I wanna say. they said it wasn’t from a credible source which is kinda dumb who cares where its from its a video. you can see with your own eyes who there sending to fight this war. But only a couple, people less than 10, mentioned how young they were and no one condemned Ukraine for using child soldiers because they were either 18 or volunteers. What I have learned from this experiment is that these people are so far removed from the effects of this war that they don’t care who is fighting it only that ukraine wins. This is what western propaganda will do to mf.