Curious what other languages are represented here. Are you learning a new language? Is anyone here learning any endangered languages?

    2 years ago

    Language learning is fun. It is kinda learning an instrument, most often than not, the answer is practice, practice and practice. I really do reccomend to everyone to try a new language.

    With that said, I’m native portuguese speaker, fairly confident in English, can do the basics in french. At the moment, I’m learning russian.

    In the past I tried latin too, and have some very minor interpretative knowledge of ancient hyeroglyphs, but that’s from my academic background.

    Edit: Reading it now sounds kinda snobish. I didn’t intend this, just wanted to spark more discussion. Sorry comrades.

      62 years ago

      You don’t sound snobbish. If people have the opportunity to study another language it is a valuable experience that gives you a broader perspective of the world