I’m trying to figure how to get around the ISP piracy detection. (I wanted to pirate Daria to get a specific voiceline for a SRB2Kart Daria mod.)

Last time I pirated Daria; my ISP found out. (In hindsight it seemed obvious; viacom is a copyright douchebag; I was utilizing torrents; and I didn’t use tor.) Fortunately, I use a different network (AT&T (ugh)) instead of comcast.

  • @SineNomineAnonymous
    2 years ago

    Honestly, a mere VPN is more than enough for that sort of stuff.

    Also, the Tor network isn’t supposed to be compatible with torrent (yes, technically, it can absolutely be done, but it’s not recommended if only because it takes bandwidth away from people who have a vital need for tor).