Lots of videos popped up on reddit today of people being fed up with lockdowns in major Chinese cities again. The translations seem accurate from my (very) limited knowledge of Chinese, does anyone have any news/know what’s going on on the ground? Some posts I’ve seen on the front page I’m referencing here and here. I’d ask on /r/sino, but my reddit accounts are all perma-banned.

  • @roccopun@lemmygrad.ml
    152 years ago

    [https://lemmygrad.ml/post/179167](had a conversation here on the situation two weeks ago)

    Long story short Shanghai is led by liberals who fancy themselves an “international” city and thinks they know better than the rest of the country. The shitlibs and those who worship the west refused to do what the rest of the country did for the last two years, and were trying to adopt coexistence measures that are more like the west. As a result they brought the worst outbreak in China since Wuhan, aka becoming more like the west.

    I assure you the “draconian” measures worked quite well in the rest of the country ensuring zero-covid success for the last two years. 99.99% of the people had total freedom while the 0.01% goes into temporary non-negotiable lockdowns and were fully accommodated and cared for the entire duration, really not much sweat at all when the government works for the people. Why else have you heard absolutely nothing about the (lack of) covid situation for China in western media during the last two years?

    None of that is happening for Shanghai. The rest of the country are being affected negatively in the short-term but it’s even more of a lesson on what not to do, so in the grand scheme of things this episode only going to make China stronger. The copioids at reddit can grasp at the straws all they like.