Deifict hawking in the US in 2024? Sounds great for global capitalism. US is THE consooming engine.
Atleast Argentina is a smaller country. Atleast Russia was disconnected from rest of the capitalist world pre 1990s.
And it’s by no means “radical”. Bill Clinton the neoliberal establishment guy ran budget surpluses in the 1990s, sucked money away from the (mainly poor) people and increased household debt.
Artificially suppressed wages? My brother in Christ, median wage has been dropping like a sack of rocks in the ocean since the 50s - and it’s because of the conservatives and liberals.
“bUt nOw CoMpAnIeS wIlL hAvE mOrE mOnEy aNd tHaT wIlL tRiCkLe dOwN.”
Trickle down these nuts.