• @joojmachine
      2 years ago

      Oh, I had no idea it existed, I stopped using searX around that time.

      I admit some instances have a design that looks MUCH better than before, but it’s still not good enough for the general public, since most larger instances still use searX instead of searXNG and not all instances have a nice looking interface still.

      That said, I’ll give one of the instances a shot as my main search engine.

        • @joojmachine
          2 years ago

          yes you can, but most instances don’t use the new, nice looking theme

          those that used it by default were the only ones at least, and I don’t have the funds to host my own instance, which I’d certainly like to do tho

            • @joojmachine
              12 years ago

              Yes, but again, not all instances have the newer theme as an option.

              The newer theme I’m talking about is a newer, more modern version of the already existing simple theme. Most instances still use the older version of it, that looks terrible in comparison.

                • @joojmachine
                  12 years ago

                  “The default is not attractive but there are some that are very attractive.”

                  And that’s precisely why most people will be turned off by it. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t use it because of a lack of a good UI, I’m saying that recommending it to people while it doesn’t offer a good default experience for the average user is certain to end in either confusion or disappointment for those people, which will probably end back to Google or DDG after giving it a shot and finding it ugly to look at.

                  The worst part is the work is all there. The new simple theme looks amazing, it just needs to be the default for most instances and maybe having a better logo and that’s it. That’s all you need.

                  searX is that good.