I cannot get over this. Biden has destroyed an incomprehensible number of lives between the Crime bill, college debt and medical bills, the violence on the border, the extrajudicial assassinations and renditions, the genocides in Yemen and Gaza. What the fuck are liberals? What are they? Why don’t they care about any of this? What the fuck? matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt matt

My brain i s just making whatever noise this picture of Matt is and it’s been mkaing that noise for years. How can they just not care? How is this not real to them?

  • eldavi
    7 months ago

    i’m one of the people he’s hurt with his anti-gay; college debt; and medical bills agenda, it gives me a visceral reaction each time i read a lemmite (lemmy-ite?) refuse to believe that he did it when it’s takes less that 30 seconds on google to confirm it.