This. Everyone should know how to remove the magazine from a gun, check that there is no bullet in the chamber and to remove the bullet if there is, and put the gun on safety. Even if you swore an oath of non-violence you should know how to do that.
Nice try feds
This. Everyone should know how to remove the magazine from a gun, check that there is no bullet in the chamber and to remove the bullet if there is, and put the gun on safety. Even if you swore an oath of non-violence you should know how to do that.
Read up on straw purchase laws before buyng from someone you know.
SO many UIs now are just hostile dogshit.
Right? Turns out when all the capitalist forces have been fighting and murdering tens of millions of people to keep anything from changing and any progress towards a better world from happening you can still use the well written manual.
What kind of Christian? Catholic? Anglican? Orthodox? Methodist? Some kind of Christian Fascist? If they’re mainline there’s some hope. If they’re Christian Fascists they’re Nazis now.
Average Senate Confirmatino Hearing:
Democratic Senator: “In a contract you wrote with the devil which you signed in your own blood in front of six hundred and sixty six witnesses you said you would murder all the minorities. Do you still believe that?”
Fascist: “No”
Democrat Senator: “Awesome you have my vote.”
Maybe getting a reminder of how utterly dangerous and unpredictable their big brother is snapped them out of their xenophobic idiocy.
No he’s doing a farcical Nazi Privatization, more or less.
I don’t make predictions anymore.
But will this make shifting trade towards China, Europe, Brazil, and India appealing? Americans can’t afford to pay these costs. Idk whats’ going to happen.
It’s so farcical that they expect anyone to give a shit about this.
Yeah small plane crashes happen constantly. They’re not an augur of the will of heaven
Repo men and repo the genetic opera and many other movies and stories; do not create this very specific torment nexus.
deleted by creator
I didn’t realize he was actually physically in the white house
I would fuck with an eco sci Fi about the farming challenges of people who need to eat several tons of foliage each day.
Bats can carry rabies without dying. Check yourself real real carefully for any small wounds. It’s unlikely but possible to get bitten. If you’re even a little bit unsure consider getting checked up.
You throw the speaking stick at someone
Someone asked me what Illness I had that I had to wear a mask, because they were doing chemo. Ma’am I am not sick and I am masked up to keep it that way why aren’t you masked? Weird experience.
Fellahs is it information warfare when you interact with the people of other countries and see that they’re just like you and the propaganda your government vomits our all day are lies intended to start WWIII?
Aight. My suggestion, then, would be trying to find a more liberal priest in your area and asking for help directly.