But the greatest distortion of the ICS is that it denies the existence of Palestinian identity entirely. In its eighty‐slide curriculum, teaching the history of Arab–[settler] conflict using primary sources, there’s not one explanation or even reference to what Palestine is or what being Palestinian means in the modern context.

ICS repeatedly insists that, quote, “There is no state of Palestine, nor has there ever been one.” And therefore opts for the framing of an Arab–[settler] conflict. Every mention of Palestinians qualifies them as Palestinian Arabs, pushing the [neocolonial] narrative that all Arabs are basically interchangeable, that Palestinians are just an extension of a larger Arab hatred of Jews, and that Palestinians have no unique tie to the land of Palestine, that they could move to any other Arab country and it would be no different for them.

For its stated mission of appreciating Jewish history, you’d think [that] they’d include some documents of anti‐Zionist Jews, which was a big trend in the early 20th century. But no, the curriculum only provides documents that talk about the Zionist movements’ aspirations from Europe to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. And there isn’t a single reference to the writings of people who already lived in Palestine.

  • umbrella
    4 months ago

    i tought it already was?

    i learned nothing about palestine and israel on school, like they didn’t even touch on the subject.

    i’d imagine the us would be worse about it.