• Jama
    2 years ago

    You can’t fight big-evil-corp by yourself, you need cooperation, activists and associations (like amnesty, EFF, etc.). Mozilla was the only company against DRM in w3c, AFAIK, and tried to fight it. Then of course at the end they lost, but for a long time they try to prevent it.

    The “funded by Google” is not true, even if they receive a lot of money from Google for keeping their search engine the default one: at this time there is no other way to earn that much money, and even if “funded” is usually used like a synonymous for “corrupted” this is not the case. Mozilla needs money, yes, because engineering and maintaining a completely independent browser based on gecko-view (even not considering his other services) needs too much money in this age. They can’t simply drop Google money, even if this is one of their biggest compromise.

    There are A LOT of things Mozilla should do better, like investing more on their android browser, improving their social and media managing, give users more and simple choices, find a way to change their business model… but there are no simple solutions to those things, and at this time Mozilla remain one of the (if not the only) company that can fight chromium/Google monopoly, and is in general trustable, even if deeply flawed by a lot of compromises and a lot of errors in this 20+ years. Keep pointing every one single misstep (like the one in this post), even if small or involuntary without understanding the way today’s market sadly works it’s not healthy and not advisable in the short or long term.

    Sorry for errors, English is not my first language and I’m not really used to write so much in English

      • Jama
        42 years ago

        Yes, making gecko embeddable would be great, at least would stimulate real forks and not only “personalized” versions like librefox