I’ve seen a lot of people trashing it but so far it’s been a pretty cool look into the guts of tatooine and an interesting exploration of Boba Fett even if they’re taking him in a direction that I didn’t expect. I really liked the story of him being captured by the Tusken Raiders and then earning their trust, then honor, and then being adopted into their tribe.

  • erpicht
    32 years ago

    I think it’s terrible, largely due to poor writing. The character of Boba Fett has been fundamentally changed without just cause and now he comes across as inexperienced / naïve, not to mention passive. He feels like a video game character going on little fetch quests most of the time. Some of the dialogue is very odd and the fight scenes are disappointing. Additionally, there is a consistent lack of attention to detail throughout the show.

    It unfortunately suffers many of the same flaws as The Mandalorian.

    However, I really like Ludwig Göransson, who composes the music.