I often find link posts I would like to share with my fediverse followers (Mastodon et al.). I was looking for a “share” icon or something similar.

I know I can just share the url of the webpage, but maybe an integrated share button would be useful to others too ? Or does it exist and I didn’t find it ?


  • link
    22 years ago

    @onoffled @oneled You can try to paste the url of the post into your instance’s searchbar and see if it finds it. If not, try to search for a community (in the form community@lemmy.ml) and subscribe to it. A few days after doing that I could find any lemmy.ml post

    • @onoffledOP
      12 years ago

      Hmm, I think I’m getting the whole point of it. I found this lemmy account on the miskey home serve I use. Thanks for the guidance!

    • @onoffledOP
      12 years ago

      I just noticed you mentioned my misskey account. How did you know it was me ?

      • link
        12 years ago

        @onoffled I thought it was you as you have similar name, similar profile pic and followed me from misskey around the time you commented on Lemmy