• Star Wars Enjoyer
    52 years ago

    discourse on the possible war with Ukraine is getting really annoying, but that’s what’s always going to be the case when propaganda is being pushed around and you’re aware that it’s propaganda.

    the hard-and-fast of the matter is, Russia isn’t actively pursuing a war with Ukraine. It would be a suicidal conflict that could spark the third world war, obviously, they’re smart enough to not want that. Nor do they have any claims on Ukraine, or any need for the land occupied by Ukraine. The idea that Russia is vying to invade is pure hogwash, that’s being spread by NATO. Likely to get westerners to support a war against Russia, or perhaps to get Americans to stand against calls for decreasing military spending - I don’t know exactly what the purpose is.

    This is a case of western media making stuff up, to fearmonger.