I used hanzii to translate some text in this comic to Chinese. If anyone on this sub speaks Chinese, give a more accurate translation. Thanks!

    • @folaht@lemmygrad.mlM
      2 years ago

      Perhaps I misremembered, but I remember seeing the video subtitled with the green shirted man telling the rioters to stop fighting, which prompted them to set him on fire.

      In any case, it’s an example of “how to pro-Democracy advocates with US characteristics like to solve disputes when someone disagrees”.

      • loathesome dongeater
        22 years ago

        Yeah these “protest” were pretty nuts. If you follow western media their righteousness seemed unquestionable but then you look at incidents of violence and the unironic waving of flags of their former colonizers and they start looking like a nightmare. I am very glad these protests were eventually stomped without causing a single fatality.