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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Olen myös itse joutunut harjoittamaan vähän OSINT:iä ja data-arkeologiaa edesmenneen sukulaisen Google-tilin poistamiseksi. Tässä tapauksessa ratkaisu löytyi muistikirjaan kirjoitetusta salasanasta, jonka avulla pystyin kirjautumaan sisään ko. henkilön tunnuksilla ja poistamaan tilin itse. En usko, että mikään muu prosessi olisi käytännössä ollut mahdollinen.

    Tässä on ehkä opetuksena, että kirjoita Google/FB/Apple/jne. tilien salasanat paperille, laita se 2FA:ksi konfiguroidun Yubikeyn kanssa kirjekuoreen ja kirjoita kuoreen “open when i am ded”.

  • I’m presonally using QNAP with the Qfile app in in combination with Tailscale, a combination which pretty much allows me to sync and access my files anywhere. However, the issue is that there’s no end-to-end encryption of storage unless you specifically mount a Veracrypt volume on your NAS, which is a bit painful to do on mobile OSes. This may or may not be so important because you’re not storing your data in some random cloud storage service, but would be nice nonetheless.

    However, another more serious issue is that the operating systems and apps of these NAS appliances (Synology and QNAP) are closed source and the companies are both based in Taiwan. I have no way of knowing what the software on these appliances and their accompanying apps are doing and whether they are sending my data back to their mothership. Because of this I’m looking into building a Linux-based rack/tower NAS server using old off-the-shelf parts, but this will take me a while. Using something like Proton Drive in the meanwhile would be nice.