• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I cannot speak for them, but it is very different to not want a foreigner who is not from your religion to date a Muslim, than it is to want to kill all Jews. Of course, it is very bad to take it to the level of a beating, or to make that choice for someone else, and what they did is bad. What I often see is a few zelots in a groups of people who don’t care for Jews, but don’t want to kill them. It is very difficult to stand for a stranger who is outside your culture, and defend them, without being labeled as an enemy of your own culture. My father was clear to us that Jews were not evil because they are Jews, just as Muslims are not all good because of their religion. He was friends with a small family of Jews living in Gaza near us. I do not think he would want me to date them, but he was happy that we could be friends.

  • Yes, if you discuss complex things with the depth of understanding of a six year old, call everything evil a Nazi, and don’t understand that the world is not made up of pure , good people and Nazis, I bet you get to fill out a lot of imaginary bingo cards , since those get to work by your made up rules. The real world does not.

  • I think you overestimate how many Palestinians believe this. I’m my family in gaza, we had Jewish friends. My father was best friends with a jew for many years. So many of us just want to live in peace, alongside people who do not want to kill us. Yes, there are a few zealots who believe this, and many leaders base their power directly on their bloodlust for Israel. Most of them hate Israel and their actions more than thier religion. I know Israel is much the same to us. If everyone who truly believes this died in one night, there would be no mourning for them, and a great cry of peace and relief would reach to the heavens, saying " let God sort out religions when we die, and not people sort out when we die by religion ".

  • No. Nazi means national German socialism workers party, which was a german political party that did some notable things, like starting WW2, the Holocaust. You may want to look them up, the history is interesting.

    Two things being similar does not mean they are the same thing. Is every end stage cancer pancreatic cancer to you? Is every war just the great war to you ( I know you have not heard of WW2 yet).

    If you cannot understand that nazi actually is a word with meaning, and not just something you say when you think a group is authoritarian or evil, than you have absolutely no room in you brain for the slightest glimmer of nuance or basic comprehension of anything.

  • I’ve always been a fan of just making the middle east one giant country, and divide it into thousands of districts, which get representation in the central area( which can definitely not be anywhere important.) This would require Israel and many countries to come together and prefer diplomacy to slaughter though, so it will never happen.

  • Yes, exactly. It’s worth noting though, that many good people are brought into these regimes, and are folded into the hate by their leaders, and the hate they receive from the extremists that oppose them. Not only do terrorists and gangs harm those they seek to harm, but they also grow and root their evil into the normal and healthy communities they base themselves in. Both Hamas and Israel are poisoning their own people more than those they directly kill.

  • I didn’t say you were the sole problem. The problem is rich people, including you, not realizing that ( even if you only care about yourself, as you seem to), you should be helping others.

    Good job not being one of the richest 8 people in the world. Yes, those people are not nice, and don’t want to help you. Now go help your neighbors and make friends with them. You also seem to have no scale on the problems that actual poverty causes, or how much rich people spend on their useless luxuries, and how much good that could do in the world.

    You could go on about how disconnected you feel from everyone, and how it’s all those 8 evil people’s fault, and then try to fill that void with consumerism and giving them more money. Or you could cut you luxury in half, and donate it to a good cause. If you are not going to appreciate American wealth, then let someone else eat your scraps.

    But no, what you really want is for it to all be someone else’s fault, and to do nothing about it. Your weekly paycheck is a poor person’s yearly wage, and that ignores slavery and the many other atrocities of this world. Yes, wealthy people who hoard their power for themselves are a problem. Yes, having even more wealth is even more of a problem, but if you are not going to help people below you up, then at least be aware that you issues are as laughable to us as billionaires issues are to you.