• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • skizzlestomemes@hexbear.netWe gottem folks!
    5 days ago


    I mean, your guy received money from rich people too.

    You’d rather give a psychotic fascist an extra point by not voting than to at least vote?

    One of the potential worst settings for this country to be in and you’re just going to turn your back on it.

  • It’s not as difficult as you are imagining. There’s usually a hose with a handled sprayer, so you have the ability to spray from different directions. Unless you end up with a bidet which has a nozzle that pops out and sprays up and at an angle to get you clean.

    As for your point of knowing if your clean or not, you will know. If you don’t notice at first, you’ll know really quick when that itch hits lol. Realistically though I don’t think you will have too much of a problem, give it a week or so to get acclimated and you’ll have it down like the locals. Just wash your hands often and you should be fine.

  • I would wager that it’s perfectly fine.

    I’ve spent some time in Indonesia where this is also common. I’m not dead yet lol.

    Think about the millions of people in countries where the bathroom situation is like that. They live their lives like that, and have been doing so for a very long time. If it were a huge issue there would have been changes in their lifestyle to accommodate for that.

    I’m not 100% on the differences in Indonesia and India, but at home there was soap so it was immediate washing. Out in public their either was only facilities for peeing, or if they did have toilets or a place for pooping, there would be a sprayer to wash off with so you didn’t need to use your hand. Or if you got lucky they would have a sit down toilet with tp.

    Edit: I see you mentioned not caring for personal opinion. Sorry about that, but realistically I doubt there’s much need to worry considering the millions of people that live like that. If it was an issue they wouldn’t live like that.

  • I agree with this too, except that last bit. Making a car manual has a near zero affect on people’s use of phones when driving.

    I say this as someone that used to use T9 to text when driving a manual car. Mind you that was 20 ish years ago when I was a stupid teenager, but there really was no difference between manual/automatic and using my phone when driving other than the added step of shifting.

  • Exactly this.

    Just because you wrote your documentation a certain way, doesn’t automatically mean that you feel a certain way about any particular group, or that your users are primarily a certain gender. It may just be writing what pronoun you are most familiar with.

    In this particular case, we can see that the author didn’t exactly make the best case for himself.

    However, there was never a problem to begin with until the person that requested the change also accused the the author of assuming that the user/dev of the OS is male.

    If that little bit of accusation would have been left out, and they just put a note like “grammatical correction” it may have just been accepted and moved on. Instead they asked for a change while accusing the author of feeling a certain way.

  • There literally wasn’t a problem.

    Until the person that asked for the correction literally assumed that said dev was assuming. Since thats what they said in their comment.

    So I can understand being a little pissy at someone pointing to you and accusing you of assuming something. It’s stupid.

    I may have been a little irritated too if someone accused me of assuming something. I wouldn’t have reacted the same, but I would have been clear that I in no way assume anything related to gender identity.

    If the person wouldn’t have put that assumption into their comment, the change may have been more likely to happen.

    Instead they assumed something and got push back which turned into the scene we see now.

    Ass u me… I mean it’s pretty clear.

  • To be fair, it’s also kinda dumb to point out something as an issue when it clearly wasnt, and saying “assuming the user/developer if the OS is a male” means that the person complaining is assuming that this dev was assuming something because he used the word he.

    The issue was that the person decided that it bothered them so much that they needed to ask the dev to change it.

    This has idiots on both sides written all over. Why is that person being nitpicky over something so stupid. Women use she/her in their writing all the time, just like men use he/him, and people with other pronouns are more likely to use what is familiar to them such as they/them.

    I say this as someone with a child that has been reading books to them and noticed that an authors gender and the pronouns they use seem to correlate more often than not. Unless the book focuses on topics of or relating to understanding and accepting the differences in people. Both people are dumb in this scenario.

    Edit: let me put things into a perspective that maybe some of you can understand. Let’s take anything related to gender or being PC out of the equation.

    I ask you to make a change to your documentation because I don’t like the way you said something, then accuse you of being or believing a certain kind of way because of the grammar you used.

    That is what this person did.

    Now let’s assume (yeah I said it) for the sake of my argument that the person doesn’t feel any kind of way about the thing that they were accused of being. I’m pretty sure that person might just take offence to that. Which in this case is exactly what happened.

    Had there just been a change that said something along the lines of just a simple grammatical correction. It probably would have be pushed and ignored.

    In this case the dev definitely seemed like an ass, but that’s not the point. The point is the whole fucking situation is stupid.