so if it probably affects only a small number of specific hw platforms, you cannot state fedora as “now wait 40 seconds” distro.
i’m also not using the tpm chip, no issues.
so if it probably affects only a small number of specific hw platforms, you cannot state fedora as “now wait 40 seconds” distro.
i’m also not using the tpm chip, no issues.
even more, will call emergencies and search & rescue services who will fly helicopters to the back of the mountain to pull out a dumbass wearing flipflops.
in our country it’s not yet charged but in such idiot cases, it should be.
firefox, because ublock origin and sync with desktop/laptop pc: same bookmarks on both and sending tabs to other device when i need to.
they would still cheer together as a herd how you suffered and post that on twitter as a victory, completely ignoring that they intentionally put shit in their mouth for joy of seeing other suffer.
i settled with Quod Libet after switch to linux and searching for foobar replacement.
when they call somebody something, its always a projection. always.
and rest od the world. especially Europe where far right get all the knowhow of US conservatives, funding from US fondations, go with US conservatives agenda, and will now rise their ugly heads even more. it’s not only the Americans.
and yet, EU is preparing for the possibilty of trump win as the race is head to head and very tight. after months of clearly open racism, bigotry, hatred and fascism.
as an european, looking at millions of voters still not seeing a problem in that man, still giving his administration a vote, seems horrifying.
this is not a question of “racist joker” or demented trump, this is clearly a masks off of millions of people who cheers to this and will give it a vote.
same here, same time period. everything works. one have to be aware there’s no adobe or autodesk and linux is not windows same as osx is not, and it will not look or behave as windows. beside specific issues for some users, for me it works flawlessly.
one thing cannot grasp is willingness of so many to dual boot.
you could just write hate instead.
it is a problem in europe too. all new german SUVs, and many others, have front beams around the height of others drivers eyes so they blare right into internal rearview mirror, car is lit like ufo is here to take us, and when meeting those cars coming from opposite direction, it’s again at the height of eyes to burn the retinas. the regulation of headlights is obviously fucked.
bending the knee.